Mass Effect 3 - Cerberus Now Works With the Reapers

From the early looks at Mass Effect 3, one could see that Shepard was combating Cerberus operatives. Well, we now know why: Cerberus is working with the Reapers. At this point, we can only surmise that they were just as deceived as Saren was in Mass Effect 1.

If you really want to simplify Mass Effect 3's story, you could say that it's basically Dragon Age Origins in space. In DA Origins, you had to spend the entire game uniting all the races to combat portentous dragon at the end of the game. In Mass Effect 3, you have to enlist the aid of as many races/factions in order to defeat the Reaper menace. The difference is that in Mass Effect 3, you may not get all the help you need. For instance, you will act as the middle man between the Salarian and Krogans. The Krogan race aren't too happy that they have been genetically crippled by the Salarians. This epic space journey will have you travelling to all sorts of fun sites, from the Asari homeworld to Earth itself.

Bioware is looking to spice up combat this time around. In their own  words, "Veteran is normal." Now, you'll have to find creative ways to use your powers. One such instance is the inclusion of shields in the mix. Enemies with shields will be much harder to take on. As an Engineer, you can spawn a combat drone behind him to completely circumvent the shield. Or, with the new voice command system, you can order one of your allies to use the Pull ability to disarm shields from enemies. Instead of flat ground, multi-levels combat will finally be introduced to the series which will make finding high ground a priority.

Melee moves make their way into the battlefield. In Mass Effect 3, melee moves seem to be little cinematic melee attacks rather than straight out melee attacks that you can spam like you would in a Halo game. Every class has a different melee move. For example, the biotic adept controls the crowd with an area of effect melee that stuns all nearby opponents.

Here are the known characters in your party: Garrus, Liara, Kaidan, Ashley, and Tali (assuming they've survived). Also, every major character will have some sort of role in this grand finale whether they're a part of your main crew or not. Mass Effect 3 will feature loyalty quests that are specific for each character. These loyalty quests and your decisions throughout the entire series fund the "war effort." This key term refers to the veritable plethora of choices you've made throughout the series and they will affect the number of endings available to you.

Here's a list of major decisions that will affect your playthrough in Mass Effect 3:

1. The Rachni (Exterminate or Release) - If you spared them in Mass Effect 1, they can be recruited as an ally against the Reapers.

2. Cerberus and the Collector base (Destroy or Preserve) - Giving the Collector base to Cerberus means you have just aided an enemy who wants you dead.

3. Mordin and the Genophage cure (Save or Erase) - The genophage could be stopped if you took the data from Mordin's loyalty mission.

4. Wrex (Persuade or Kill) - If you let Wrex live, he'll still be working to unite his people.

5. Legion and the rogue Geth (Destroy or Convert) - If you chose to reprogram the Geth in 

6. Legion's loyalty mission, those Geth will rejoin the collective and make the Geth even stronger.

The theme of the enemies seems to be a theme of undead. You'll be fighting off the Reaper's gruesome experiements. Remember the husks? Yes, they'll show their ugly faces once again. You'll fight Reaper abominations of other races such as a bloated pregnant Asari.

In terms of relationships, Bioware wanted players to have a more wide selection of who they can choose as partners. Yes, that means that we can have more mansex and who doesn't love that ?


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