Final Fantasy XIII-2 - New E3 Game Info

  • Serah’s moogle transforms into a bow *and* a sword.

  • What’s a… mog clock? It’s a new system in Final Fantasy XIII-2. When you spot enemies a mog clock appears underneath them. Trigger a fight with an enemy by hitting it while the clock is green and you’ll begin the battle with a preemptive strike and haste status. Attack the enemy while its yellow and you won’t get any bonuses. If the enemy hits you when the mog clock is in red, the enemy gets to attack first.

  • You can run from fights if the mog clock runs out and the enemy is far away. You’ll know if you’re far enough if the ring around Noel and the enemy is gray. Red means you’re in a fighting zone.

  • In addition to dodging damage, completing cinematic events gives your characters a positive status effect. Noel gains the attack boosting brave status. Serah’s magic gets charged with faith status.

  • Switching paradigms automatically switches monsters. The Warhorn (a behemoth-like creature) appears under a commando paradigm. Flanbanero, an orange flan that’s fond of water spells, is a ravager.

  • The team designed battles for players to use feral link, a monster special attack, often. A synchronization gauge lets you know when the attack is ready and it fills fast.

  • Final Fantasy XIII-2 has secret enemies. A cactuar is hidden in a specific room of the demo, but there is only a small chance you’ll run into the monster.


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